Born: 18-Dec-1980
Birthplace: Staten Island, NY
Gender: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic
Race or Ethnicity: Multiracial
Occupation: Singer
Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Genie in a Bottle
Christina Aguilera is yet another former Mouseketeer that has moved on to become a pop star, of course making your life so much more worthwhile as a result. Being in her childhood what is referred to as an "army brat" -- as well as being a "Star Search brat" and (as has been mentioned) a "Disney brat" -- Christina was well prepared for the rough-and-tumble world of being a corporate pop princess. At the tender age of 18, Ms. Aguilera released her first single Genie in a Bottle -- a release choice she was unhappy with as she felt it did not adequately demonstrate her vocal ability. It was however successful, hopefully making her aware that pop music consumers are hardly interested in such things.
An excessively-publicized feud between Christina and another former "slave to the mouse", Britney Spears has been ongoing since both began their solo careers. While it is generally accepted that Christina's voice is the better of the two, Britney has maintained the greater degree of popularity. As the two little vixens foray into young-adulthood, the competition has moved from the arena of artistic merit into that of self-exploitation, both seeking to display themselves with smaller bits of clothing, larger quantities of make-up, and gyrating their buttocks more furiously than the other. It is only a matter of waiting to see which one moves into the porn industry first, a step that can not be that far away.